The Borg Collective, Star Trek Wiki

Upon encountering a species the Borg Collective assign a species designation to it indicatory as to the order in which they have encountered each race.

Species and Names

  • Species 116 (VOY: "Hope and Fear")
  • Species 125 (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 149 (VOY: "Mortal Coil")
  • Species 180: Ferengi (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
  • Species 218: Talaxians (VOY: "Mortal Coil")
  • Species 259 (VOY: "The Gift")
  • Species 262 (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
  • Species 263 (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
  • Species 312 (VOY: "Natural Law")
  • Species 329: Kazon (VOY: "Mortal Coil", "Relativity")
  • Species 407: Lennli (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 521: Shivolians (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
  • Species 571 (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
  • Species 689: Norcadians (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")
  • Species 2000: Cardassians (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 2461: Brunali (VOY: "Child's Play")
  • Species 3105: Rhawn (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 3259: Vulcans (VOY: "The Raven")
  • Species 3783: Romulans (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 4228: Hazari (VOY: "Think Tank")
  • Species 4774: Skedan (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 5008: Klingons (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 5174 (VOY: "Hunters")
  • Species 5618: Humans (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 5973 (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")
  • Species 6291: Yridians (VOY: "Equinox")
  • Species 6339 (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
  • Species 6961: Ktarians (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 8472 (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", "Prey", "In the Flesh")
  • Species 10026 (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Species 116 - Delta Quadrant

Species 116 displayed an aptitude for "seeing patterns where others see only confusion" allowing them to notice patterns of all forms and precisely extrapolate that pattern further which enabled them to learn the correct grammar and syntax of entire languages after only hearing a few phrases. Other forms of patterns such as encryption algorythms were also very easy for this race to decipher.

Species 116 utilized a propulsion system named a Quantum Slipstream which enabled them to "avoid the storm on the horizon" and outrun the Borg for centuries before the Borg begun more and more capable of persuing the vessels due to the assimilation of Transwarp technology, expanding and assimilating the sorrounding systems until finally the species were cornered in their own space. (VOY - "Hope and Fear"). Then the Species 8472 war broke out between the Collective, species 116 saw this as their last hope that the Borg would be destroyed before the U.S.S Voyager aided the Borg against the invaders for their own personal gain. (VOY - "Scorpion"). Due to their assistance the Borg defeated species 8472 and assimilated all but 10,000 members of species 116 which held Voyager accountable for the destruction of their race as the Collective continued to expand and finally sorrounded their system with hundreds of cubes (VOY - "Hope and Fear").

Species 125 - Delta Quadrant

This is the species from which the Borg Queen herself originates, the species possessed an over-sized cranial region exhibiting telepathy and extraordinary mental processing capacity to such an extensively When they are sufficiently challenged enough to be required to give their tasks a degree of attention they will twitch their heads and when extremely challenged they will focus by closing their eyes.

Species 149

Species 149 was regarded as a medically technologically advanced species. The Borg assimilated the technology to revive drones as long as 72 hours after death by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis and re-stimulating the cereberal cortex with neuroelectric isopulses. (Voy - "Dark Frontier, Unimatrix Zero, Endgame", Star Trek First Contact)

Species 180 Ferengi - Alpha Quadrant

Species 180 name themselves as Ferengi. Ferengi were encoutnered early by the Collective however why a vessel belonging to a race originating in the Alpha Quadrant was found in the Delta Quadrant remains a mystery.

Species 218 - Talaxian - Delta Quadrant

Species 218 name themselves as Talaxians. The Collective assimilated a small freighter belonging to Species 218 in the Dalmine Sector, assimilating the crew of 39. Their dense musculature made them excellent tactical drones.(VOY - "The Raven")

Species 259

Species 218 are an advanced omnicordial lifeform which inhabited Galactic Cluster 3. The species numbered some 22 billion when they were assimilated and had developed an advanced pattern-duplication design that was later incorporated into Borg autonomous regeneration sequencer technology.

Species 262

Deemed to be a relatively primitive species by Borg standards, following their assimilated in the 22nd century. Their mythology referred to a substance which could "burn the sky" - the Borg were intrigued and later descovered it to a reference to the Particle 010 (Omega Molecule)

Species 263

Deemed to be a relatively primitive species by Borg standards, Species 263 was the second in a series of thirteen species assimilated in the persuit of attaining any and all information relative to Particle 010. In mythology of the species they believed the molecule to be a drop of blood from their creator.

Species 312

Species 312 was a race assimilated by the Borg before 2374 possessing advanced tetryon-based energy barrier technology. Sometime before their assimilation the race constructed an energy barrier around the planet Ledos in the Delta Quadrants several hundred years before 2377 to protect the primitive race on the surface from the interference of other warp capable species.

Species 329 - Kazon - Delta Quadrant

Species 329 name themselves as Kazon, a relatively primitive however warp-capable species with a limited understanding of the technology in their possession which they gained control of after conquering their former opressors. Their technology and biological lifeform was deemed unworthy of assimilation.

Species 407

A species named the Lennli.

Species 521 - Delta Quadrant

A humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant.

Species 571 - Delta Quadrant

A humanoid race based in the Delta Quadrant which according to their own established mythology worship the god Brothera. The species was assimilated sometime before 2369 after-which three drones escaped from a Borg Sphere which crashed landed upon Planet 1865-Alpha severing the three drones from the Collective mind.

Species 689 - Norcadian - Delta Quadrant

Species 689 name themselves Norcadian, an advanced humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant and the planet Norcadia Prime. This species hosts a violent sport named Tsunkatse.

Species 2000 - Cardassian - Alpha Quadrant

Species 2000 name themselves Cardassian, a warp-capable species native to the Alpha Quadrant.and the planet Cardassia Prime. Known to be highly Xenophobic and ruthless.

Species 2461 - Brunali - Delta Quadrant

